Setting resolutions can be inspirational and full of motivation. A new year is a fresh start, a do-over for some, but like many people that hope to continue on their forward path, some resolutions don't last. With the new decade approaching, all will reflect on this past year to make improvements in themselves, and their actions. Becoming a better version of ourselves is essential, but the steps we take to grow and improve will ultimately lead us in the right direction. So, instead of setting resolutions, a one time thought, let's focus this year on setting smart short and long term plans to meet our grand goals. With this in mind, here are some quick and easy tips to turn your dream goals into a reality this upcoming year.
1. Preparing Your Mindset
Your mentality is half the battle of reaching your short and long term goals. It might even be your saving grace when things are looking down, and by having an optimistic mindset, you are sure to be more proactive. Life isn't perfect, and like the bumps in the road, there is no telling what unexpected situation will arise when you least expect it. The best way to keep your mentality at the right state is always to have a plan. Whether it be your initial plan, or the backup plan, or even the back up to the backup plan, it is sure to keep you on the right path to your goals.
Significant success is achieved with small victories, and even when you don't think you can go another set, perform another sale, or work that extra hour consider going for it. You will thank yourself later for going the extra mile and having the right mindset to keep pushing.
In the worst situations, remember to look at the positives, or ways to improve for next time. We are human, and mistakes are a part of who we are, but the way we determine how it will affect us, in the long run, will ultimately decide how long it takes to reach our goals.

2. Cheat Days are Necessary
The more focused you are, the more driven you will become, and even though you might be at your peak of excellence, always remember to feed your mind and body with some downtime too. Getting wrapped up in your goals takes a lot of energy, so when you're planning the next big step, make sure to schedule in a couple of cheat days to keep you balanced. Whether it's enjoying a small piece of cake, running yourself a bubble bath, or binging your latest tv show, make sure to indulge a little bit while still being on top of your game.
3. Research New Methods
Your first plan may not always work, and it's natural to experience failure or failures. That is ok! Instead of feeling disappointed, use your energy to focus on the restart. Instead of seeing challenges as reasons to stop, re-frame them into something that pushes you forward. Ditch the old and create a new approach by digging into other methods and techniques that could help you reach your overall goals. By researching, we open our eyes to new possibilities that can get the ball rolling in the right direction. Or reach out to other experts that can give you critique and feedback to help adjust your plan to reach a better outcome. Failures are learning opportunities. Failure is a part of the process; don't let it defeat you, and whatever you do, don't give up!
4. Mentors and Accountability Partners
Being honest with yourself will help you achieve much more than you realize at first glance. When setting up your plan, carefully re-read and readjust your goals to accurate and truthful deadlines. Nothing can be more overwhelming than missing your early deadlines, and after that, it's hard to regain motivation to keep moving forward. To help reach your end goal, consider adding reinforcement such as mentors and accountability partners to keep you on the right track. Just like trainers help guide you to fitness goals, mentors can do just that with improving your skills. Let your accountability partner see your plan and let them adjust your strategy to more realistic expectations. Having a second pair of eyes can be critical in steps moving forward because they will be willing to give guidance when necessary. Possibly, even have them sync schedules with yours to have a special reminder of your deadlines and expectations. Talk to them about your struggles and seek advice when you feel like you're stuck because they will help you jump back on the wagon.